Resection is the medical term for operationally removing area or whole tissues, structure and organs. Resection may be done for a huge variety of reasons. A resection may bring out a tissue which is responsible for the cancerous and diseased, and the surgery may perform to cure a disease procedure. Depending upon the tissues and organs, resection surgery may be an open surgery or maybe performed with a scope by using a small incision and a natural entry point, like :- the urethra and cervix.
- One very basic kind of resection is a small bowel resection.
- Second is a procedure where one or more segments of the small intestine is removed.
- For people who are suffering from bowel problems in a specific part of the intestine, for eg:- stricture, perforation and diverticulitis.
- Removing any specific area may build it possible for it to function naturally after the healing procedure is done.
Other Types:-
- Mastectomy: It contains removal of a breast for breast cancer.
- Prostatectomy: It contains removal of the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer. The TURP operation stands for transurethral resection of the prostate.
- Gastrectomy: It is the removal of the stomach, either whole or half, can be performed for stomach cancer, stomach ulcers and bleeding.
- Lung Resection: It is the removal of a lung to treat lung cancer, tuberculosis, and other lung disorders.
- Adrenalectomy: It is the removal of single or both adrenal glands, situated on the upper part of the kidney.
- Appendectomy: It is the removal of this pouch of the big intestine because of infection, bleeding and inflammation.
- Oophorectomy: It is the removal of single and both ovaries to treat ovarian cancer, ovarian cyst, chronic pelvic pain and pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Thyroidectomy: It is the removal of the whole thyroid gland and single lobe of an overactive thyroid, nodules, thyroid cancer and goiter.
- Hysterectomy: It is the removal of the uterus, sometimes involving other structures. It is performed to treat cancer, chronic pelvic pain,cyst and heavy bleeding.