The ovaries are the reproductive system part present in the bodies of each female. They’re situated in the lower abdomen on each side of the uterus. Women have two ovaries which produce eggs and the hormones estrogen as well as progesterone each month. Sometimes, a fluid-filled sac known as a cyst will build on one of the ovaries. Many women will suffer at least one cyst during their life. In most cases, cysts are very painful but cause no signs and symptoms.
Types of ovarian cysts
- Follicle cyst- During a female’s menstrual period, an egg forms in a sac known as a follicle. This sac is situated internally in the ovaries. In most cases, this follicle and sac break open and release an egg. But if the follicle doesn’t break openly, the fluid into the follicle can cause a cyst on the ovaries.
- Corpus luteum cysts- Follicle sacs usually dissolve after releasing an egg. But if the sac isn’t dissolved properly and the opening of the follicle holds or packs, additional fluid can build into the sac, and this accumulation of fluid occurs a corpus luteum cyst.
Other types of ovarian cysts are as follows:
- Dermoid cysts: are seed-like growths on the ovaries which can include hair, fat and other tissue.
- Cystadenomas: non-cancerous growths which can develop on the external surface of the ovaries.
- Endometriomas: tissues which normally grow into the uterus or can develop outside the uterus and link to the ovaries and forms in a cyst.
Symptoms and Signs of an Ovarian cyst
- Abdominal bloating and swelling.
- Painful bowel movements.
- Pelvic pain during the menstrual cycle.
- Painful intercourse.
- Pain in the lower back and thighs.
- Breast tenderness
- Nausea or vomiting.